DuoForce® проволочных дуг

DuoForce® проволочных дуг

Производители: FORESTADENT

FORESTADENT - немецкая точность в ортодонтии. FORESTADENT компания, расположенная в Германии является одним из ведущих производителей ортодонтической продукции по всему миру. Как семейный бизнес с более чем 100 - летней традицией, название FORESTADENT означает высокую точность и инновационных высококачественных продуктов.

The copper-nickel-titanium archwire with two different force zones

The FORESTADENT DuoForce archwires combine two outstanding features. Due to its copper content in the material, the DuoForce exerts lower forces than nickel-titanium archwires. In addition the DuoForce has two different force zones. This allows using rectangular archwires at an earlier treatment stage than usual. This provides quicker and better three-dimensional control of tooth movements.

DuoForce archwires are made of a copper-nickel-titanium alloy. The shape memory properties of this wire are extremely well suited for orthodontic treatment. The archwires reliably return to their original shape. Compared to conventional metal alloys, the forces remain consistent no matter how far the archwires are deflected. With DuoForce the ligating forces are considerably lower and far more consistent than with conventional nickel-metal archwires. In addition they are thermo-active, and they only exert their force at temperatures from approximately 32°C upwards. This allows extremely easy insertion and the archwire only becomes active in the patient's mouth.


  • Three-dimensional control already at the start of the treatment through two different, seamlessly transitioning force zones.
  • Even lower forces than in NiTi archwires due to the copper content in the archwire material (copper-nickel-titanium alloy)
  • Consistent gentle force, no matter how far the archwires are deflected
  • Reliable return to original shape thanks to the shape memory alloy
  • Easy ligation thanks to thermo-active properties, which only activate the archwires at mouth temperature (from approx. 32 °C)
  • Less archwires and quicker treatment, as the anterior tooth alignment is possible with simultaneous torque control
Diameter, inchContentIncisor ForceMolar Force
.014 x .0251040 g115 g
.016 x .0161040 g 80 g
.016 x .0221040 g100 g
.016 x .0251050 g110 g
.017 x .0251055 g115 g
.018 x .0251060 g120 g
.019 x .0251065 g130 g
.021 x .0251065 g135 g

Each package contains 10 archwires.

Find details in the brochure